Clarification from information below.
Other recommended vaccines include; Hepatitis A, HPV (Human Papillomavirus), MCV/MPSV (Meningococcal Disease), MenB (Meningococcal Disease Type B), and Rotavirus
As of 2019 and per the Washington State Department of Health, we cannot accept personal/philosophical exemptions only for measles, mumps, and rubella.
At this time, we do not have guidance regarding the requirement for COVID-19 vaccinations.
Prior to this year, families had a 30-day grace period to turn in required immunization documentation to their child’s school before a child could be excluded for not having a current immunization record. As of August 2020, we no longer have a 30-day grace period. All students must have documentation turned in prior to or by the first day of in-person learning.
ATTENTION: North Mason School District Parents and Guardians,
Starting August 2020 important changes to immunizations laws in the state of Washington went into effect.
2021-2022 Vaccination Requirements
All grade level immunizations must be completed before a student will be allowed on campus.
All students must have medically verified immunization records turned in prior to the first day of in person learning, this includes hybrid learning. What vaccine records will my school accept starting August 1, 2022?
If a student cannot meet the immunization requirements by the first day of school and a student is participating in remote learning, your student will not be excluded from school and can continue to participate in remote learning activities.
Per state and federal law, any student experiencing homelessness or living in foster care will not be excluded from on campus learning regardless of their immunization status.
If you are unsure about your child’s immunization status or if you need help finding a provider to complete your child’s immunizations please contact the District Nurse at (360)-535-1269 or at
ATENCIÓN: Padres y tutores del Distrito Escolar North Mason,
A partir de agosto de 2020 entraron en vigor cambios importantes en las leyes de vacunación en el estado de Washington.
Requisitos de vacunación 2021-2022
Todas las vacunas de nivel de grado deben completarse antes de que un estudiante pueda ingresar al campus.
Todos los estudiantes deben haber verficado médicamente los registros de vacunación antes del primer día de aprendizaje en person , esto incluye el aprendizaje en híbrido. Padres, ¿sus hijos están listos para la escuela?
Si un estudiante no puede cumplir con los requisitos de inmunización para el primer día de clases y un estudiante está participando en el aprendizaje a distancia, su estudiante no será excluido de la escuela y podrá continuar participando en actividades de aprendizaje a distancia.
De acuerdo con la ley estatal y federal, cualquier estudiante sin hogar o que viva en un hogar de crianza temporal no será excluido del aprendizaje en el campus independientemente de su estado de vacunación.
Si no está seguro sobre el estado de vacunación de su hijo o si necesita ayuda para encontrar un proveedor que complete las vacunas de su hijo, comuníquese con la enfermera del distrito al (360) -535-1269 o al .
As of July 22, 2011, Washington State law requires that before attending school, children must be immunized against certain diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations. Parents and guardians meet this requirement by filling out and turning in a Certificate of Immunization Status, showing their child has the required vaccinations (or that they have already had the illness and are now immune- grades 5-12 only). If parents and guardians choose to exempt their child from one or more of the required vaccines, they must fill out a Certificate of Exemption form.
Exemption Law
The 2011 Washington State Legislature passed a law that changes the process for getting an immunization exemption. If a parent or guardian wants to exempt their child from school or child care immunization requirements, they must first talk with a licensed health care provider about the benefits and risks of vaccinations. The provider will sign the Certificate of Exemption form that parents have to turn in to the school or child care to exempt their child. Instead of signing the form, providers may choose to write and sign a letter verifying the same information. Most parents or guardians checking the box for a religious exemption must also talk to a provider and get their signature. The only exception is parents or guardians demonstrating membership in a church or religious body that does not allow medical treatment.
Conditional Status
Students are in “conditional” status if they are missing one or more required vaccines on their first day of attendance or, in some cases, after they’ve begun school or child care. These students can attend school for 30 days from the time they get notified that their child has conditional status. In this time, parents or guardians must:
Get the child vaccinated.
Show a record of past vaccination.
Exempt their child for the missing vaccine.
If a parent does not take action within 30 days, the child must be excluded from school or child care. Children with completed exemption forms do not have “conditional” status. See WAC 246-105-020 and WAC 246-105-060 for more information.
Who can sign exemptions
Physicians (M.D.), physician assistants (P.A.), osteopaths (D.O.), naturopaths (N.D.), and advanced registered nurse practitioners (A.R.N.P.) who are currently licensed in Washington are authorized to sign the exemption form or write a letter. Signatures by registered nurses (R.N.) or licensed practical nurses (L.P.N.) are not acceptable.
Forms and Resources
Certificate of Immunization (CIS): English Spanish
Certificate of Exemption (COE): English Spanish
Immunization Resource List: English Spanish
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Parent's Guide to Immunizations
Keep track of your family's immunization records with MyIR
North Mason School District Tdap Requirement
Other Important Information
WA State DOH - Immunization Requirements
WA State DOH - Child Care Vaccines Required Chart for Parents
WA State DOH - Cuadro de vacunas obigatorias requeridas por los proveedores de cuidado infantil para padres
WA State DOH - Required Immunizations for School Year 2022-2023
WA State DOH - Vacunas requeridas para el ciclo escolar 2022-2023
Recommended Immunizations for Adolescents